Counselling Service
We offer a limited counselling service in school to help and support students. We are able to offer appointments as they become available.
What is a Counsellor? A Counsellor is a person who listens to you and guides you to be able to deal with whatever is troubling you. A Counsellor can also be a person who helps you explore your choices.
Why would I talk to a Counsellor?
Students find that they want to talk to a Counsellor if they need help in dealing with a problem, this may be a family situation, difficulties with parents, difficulties with friends, feelings of unexplained sadness, stress at school, anger management. There are other people –parents, teachers and friends who can help in these situations, but sometimes you may prefer to talk to someone who does not know you quite so well and who will not judge you on any decision that you might make.
When can I see a Counsellor?
Our Counsellor is available in school and the appointments are made so that it is not the same lesson or subject that you miss each week. The first appointment is made for you and any subsequent appointments are up to you and your Counsellor to decide.
How long do I have to go for?
That is entirely up to you, some people go only a few times, others for several weeks.
How do I make an appointment?
Any member of staff can approach a member of the pastoral team to request a referral for a student. Students may also self-refer. Where this occurs, the relevant member of the Achievement will be informed. Students under the age of 14 will need to have permission from a parent/carer (your Head of House can help you with this if you think it may be difficult).
How confidential is the Counselling?
Counselling is completely confidential. The only time a Counsellor would have to discuss your case with someone else is if she believed that you were in some sort of danger.
Where is the Counselling held?
Counselling is held in school in an area of school which is easily accessible but private.
If you have a problem but don’t want to deal with it in school you can contact VISYON, an organisation which helps young people cope with their problems –on 01260 290000, or