The school website has lots of information, below is a list of the places you can find help in and out of school.
The most important thing to do when being bullied is to let a trusted adult in school know about your situation. We understand the courage it takes to tell someone how you feel. As long as it is someone you trust, we can help you. We aim for eveyone to feel happy, confident and to thrive in school.
Page to visit: Who to speak to if I'm being bullied
Page to visit: Friendships and Anti-Bullying Charter/ Stamp it out page
What is a Counsellor? A Counsellor is a person who listens to you and guides you to be able to deal with whatever is troubling you. A Counsellor can also be a person who helps you explore your choices.
Page to visit: Counselling service webpage
If you need support with your learning you should talk to the Achievement Lead/Assistant for your year group. They can support you in your academic achievement.
Page to visit: Achievement Team
Our school operates a cashless system. The finance office can support you with trip, parentpay, canteen and uniform queries.
Page to visit: Reception and Finance office
The pastoral team based in the pastoral hub support and provide guidance for students. Each student is a member of one of our 4 Houses.
Visit pages:
Looking after your Mental Health
Being a young person is exciting; lots of new experiences and exciting opportunities to be had. However, sometimes things can get on top of us and when this happens it becomes difficult to move forwards.
Our Looking after your mental health page has lots of information for you and your parents/carers.
Also visit our Outside of school support page for even more information for you and your parents/carers to access when you are not at school, during the evenings, weekends and holidays.
Safeguarding is the process of protecting children to enable all children to have the best outcomes and stay safe.
For more information about Safeguarding and who the safeguarding team in school is please see our Safeguarding webpage.
Our Outside of school help page has lots of sources of information and places you can get help when you are not at school, during the evenings, weekends and holidays.