sandbach high school and Sixth form College

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College students with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND) have access to an ambitious curriculum in line with their non-SEND peers. Staff receive regular training on SEND and adaptive teaching strategies. Every teacher in our school is a teacher of SEND and our students have full access to the national curriculum and wider opportunities available as being part of our school community. Additional support, mentoring and intervention for higher needs students are in place for individuals working closely with the young person and parents. We pride ourselves on our high expectations of all students delivered with kindness; which develops the independent knowledge and skills that they require to prepare them for adulthood and their next steps in further education, employment and training.

We are a mainstream secondary school which is fully inclusive in supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. As a team we have high aspirations for all our students and work closely with them to achieve the best outcomes academically and socially. We actively encourage engagement with parents/ carer’s and additional agencies to remove barriers to learning and enable access to the curriculum.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Miss Jessica Squires. Miss Squires works closely with our SEND Leadership Team comprising of Mr Mark Hitchen (Assistant Headteacher) and Miss Hayley Lester (Assistant SENDCO) as well as our dedicated SEND Team. The SEND Team can be contacted via email: and we aim to respond to all queries within 2 working days.

"they provide appropriate support, and pupils and students with SEND achieve well.  " OFSTED Report Dec 22

Our SEND Department

Jessica Squires- Hall



Hayley Lester

Assistant SENDCO


Becky Harper

Assistant SENDCO



SEN Administrator: Claire Chadwick

Our Learning Support Assistants

Caron Whittle

Claire Adderley

Helen Jones

Laura Seale

Fyona Dale

Emma McNulty

Anita Sawford

Kelly Golding

Louise Carson

Joyce Fletcher

Katie Lewis

Kelly Davies

Amy Jones

Lily Jopson

SEND Parent and Carer Events 

  • As a team we are keen to work in partnership with parents/carers and throughout the academic year we have a number of SEND information and coffee mornings. We look forward to seeing you there. Any questions or queries don’t hesitate to contact and our team will be happy to help.
White Illustrative Motivational Education Quotes Classroom Poster (3)


A-Team (Autism Club)

We are excited to be part of the Autism School Project, and as part of this project, we will be encouraging students to discuss the impact of autism both academically and socially. We will also form discussions regarding informing changes in school, to better support those students with autism. We are aiming to develop students into becoming independent ambassadors for their needs, and to advocate for change and understanding in the wider school community.

  • Monday form time – This session is drop in, so students can attend as many or as little as they like. The club is not compulsory, so students do not need to attend, but if your child would like to attend, then we would love to see them there.

Spark Club (ADHD)

Over the past year, Sandbach High has seen a sharp increase in the identification of students with ADHD, and in turn, referrals have increased. We are launching the new SPARK club with the aim of providing support to those with ADHD, to discuss the impact of ADHD on learning, and to discuss strategies that can aid students in the classroom. We are aiming to develop students into becoming independent ambassadors for their needs, and to advocate for change and understanding in the wider school community.

  • Thursday form time – This session is drop in, so students can attend as many or as little as they like. The club is not compulsory, so students do not need to attend, but if your child would like to attend, then we would love to see them there.

Autism Sibling Club

We are excited to be part of the Autism School Project, and as part of this project, we will be starting a sibling group with the aim to support and listen to students who have an autistic sibling, discuss autism to increase understanding, and discuss the impact of autism both academically and socially. We are aiming to develop students into becoming independent ambassadors for their needs, and to advocate for change and understanding in the wider school community.

  • Tuesday form time – This session is drop in, so students can attend as many or as little as they like. The club is not compulsory, so students do not need to attend, but if your child would like to attend, then we would love to see them there.

Dyslexia Club

Any child, with or without a dyslexia diagnosis, is more than welcome to attend. We will cover topics like looking at how dyslexia can impact learning, the impact of dyslexia on mental health, and encourage individual study. We are aiming to develop students into becoming independent ambassadors for their needs, and to advocate for change and understanding in the wider school community.

  • Friday form time – This session is drop in, so students can attend as many or as little as they like. The club is not compulsory, so students do not need to attend, but if your child would like to attend, then we would love to see them there.

Study Support Club

Room 1 in The Bridge is open at before school, break, lunch and after school until 4:15pm in order to support students with SEND, and those needing further support with study or homework. We understand many students find the concept of homework challenging, and sometimes they need support to develop independent study skills, and this is the perfect space to complete outstanding tasks. In addition, there are computers for students who need access to a computer to complete their work. If you feel your child would benefit from attending, please encourage them to do so. It is on a drop-in basis, so students can use it whenever they feel like they would benefit.

Lunch Club

Lunch Club is available every lunch time from 12:15-12:35pm on a drop-in basis in Room 2 of The Bridge. Some children can find the dining hall or the yard to be too full or overwhelming for comfortable socialising. Some struggle to regulate their eating and need a dedicated space and time at lunch to eat. If your child would like a quiet space to eat with others, please encourage them to use this space. This space is manned and supported by an LSA. The aim is to create a nurturing quiet environment for students at lunch. The sessions will run every lunch time 12.15-12.35pm, and are drop in, so students can attend as many or as little as they like. The club is not compulsory, so students do not need to attend, but if your child would like to attend, then we would love to see them there.

Useful links for parents/ carers:

Cheshire East Local Offer (Directory of support services in Cheshire East):


Autism Inclusive

Address – AI @ St Marks, Bramhall Road, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 8PS

‘We support autistic adults and children, those with ADHD or any other neuro diversity, as well as their families and carers. Diagnosed or suspected, all are welcome.’


Cheshire Buddies

Email –

Telephone – 07938163103 / 07873423389 / 07743341981

‘To provide friendship opportunities to disabled young people who would not normally have the opportunity to meet friends outside school hours.’


Cheshire East Local Offer

‘The Local Offer is part of Live Well Cheshire East – an online resource providing information and advice for children and adults on topics such as education, staying healthy, care and support and community activities, along with directory of services.
Disability Positive

Email –

Telephone – 01606 331853

Address – Sension House, Denton Drive, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 7LU

‘A charity who provide services, opportunities and a voice to people with lived experience of disability and long-term health conditions, and their families.  The charity runs a Buzz Group – a fully accessible youth group for disabled young people aged 12-18.’


Everybody Health & Leisure

Email –

Telephone – 07506317055

‘Everybody Health & Leisure that leisure and learning activities are not passive ways of spending time, rather a way of gaining employment, satisfaction, achievement, pleasure and inclusion. Our Ability for All programme is a range of inclusive activities for all ages with a disability or a life-term condition. ‘


Friends for Leisure 

Email -

Telephone - 01260 275333

Address - Friends for Leisure, Albert Chambers, Canal Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4AA

‘At Friends for Leisure, we believe that disabled children and young people have the same rights to get involved in everyday friendship and leisure activities as other children and young people. Our objectives are to provide disabled children with the opportunities to have fun, make friends and do the everyday things that other children and young people take for granted.’


Holmes Chapel Hurricanes

Email –

Address – Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre, Holmes Chapel, CW4 7DZ

‘Hurricanes are committed to being able to offer the opportunity to enjoy playing football to every child in the area and 2023 saw the formation of our Pan Disability sessions. The sessions are suitable for children aged 8-12 years and can support children with a wide variety of disabilities.’


LS Gymnastics Crewe Academy

Email -

Address - Apollo Buckingham University Health and Science campus, Crewe, Crewe Road, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 5DU

‘The aim of the club, is to coach each individual child to reach their full potential in gymnastics. Our club is situated in the heart of Crewe and offers a safe, effective child centred, fun learning environment. All coaches are qualified through British Gymnastics and work within the guidelines set by this governing body.’


Ruby’s Fund

Email -

Telephone - 01270 277666

Address - Ruby’s Fund, Meridian House, Roe Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1PG

‘The mission of Ruby’s is to provide life changing support by means of specialist facilities and opportunities for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families, who live in Cheshire East.’


Sandbach Art Room

Email –

Telephone – 01270 757757

Address – 2 Bradwall Road, Sandbach, CW11 1GR

‘Delivering health and wellbeing sessions for adults, young people and children. We promote self care, peer support and inclusion for all.’


Sandy Lane Equestrian Centre

Email –

Telephone – 01606 854244

Address - Sandy Lane Equestrian Centre, Sandy Lane, Weaverham, Northwich, CW8 3PH

‘Sandy Lane Equestrian provides riding opportunities for less abled adults and children, which have been shown to boost both mental and physical wellbeing.’


South Cheshire CLASP
Email -

Telephone - 01270 250629

Address - Cheshire CLASP, Jubilee House, St Paul's Street, Crewe, CW1 2QA

‘South Cheshire CLAPS host a Coffee 'n' Chat group that runs on a Tuesday morning from 9.30-11.30 for lone parents with SEN children.’

Email –

Telephone – 01625 617884

‘Space4Autism was set up by parents in 2005.  We are a voluntary run charity and we support the whole family by running over 4000 activities per year for all ages living with ASC.’


Smart Bright Training                        

Email -

Telephone – 07485156488

‘We offer a range of SEND and Sensory workshops for parents, carers and practitioners. Our training workshops have been developed to share information in an engaging and informal format, whilst still providing participants with the key information to further learner’s knowledge and understanding.  Our aim is for all participants to leave our training sessions with a better understanding of topics covered. To feel more confident and better equipped to support children and young people in their care and empowered to navigate SEND processes.’
The Children’s Adventure Farm

Email –

Telephone – 01565 830053Address – Booth Bank Farm, Reddy Lane, Millington, Cheshire, WA14 3RE

‘Each child that visits us is treated as an individual with their own strengths, likes and dislikes. Disability is never seen as a barrier to participation and we welcome children from all social and ethnic groups. Our brilliant Activity Play Specialists are trained to provide fun, safe and engaging activities that suit the interests and needs of every child who visits us. CAFT is about fun for all.’


The Wingate Centre

Email –

Telephone – 01270 780456

Address – Wrenbury Hall Drive, Wrenbury, Cheshire, CW5 8ES

‘We aim to be a centre of excellent for inclusive residential, sport, and recreational facilities that allow those with SEND to be active, improve their health, their wellbeing and to grow in confidence.’


UA Trampoline Park

Email -

Address – Unit 9 Navigation Park, Winsford Industrial Estate, CW7 3RL

Telephone – 01606 212690

‘Rebound Therapy are mainly 1:1 sessions, these sessions are ideal for those with additional needs. Rebound Therapy is the phrase used to describe the specific model of trampoline therapy known as exercise therapy to provide opportunities for movement and therapeutic exercise.’



Key Documentation

Please see copies of our SEND Policy and SEND Information report below which outline our key ways of working for SEND as a school.

Please see our Policy page for all of our policies, including the SEND policy and the SEND Local Offer.

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