Our Policy Is Clear
“We will not tolerate any form of bullying”.
“We aim to ensure that here at Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College all members of our community are safe. We want our school to be a place where Students, Staff, Trustees and Parents/Carers attend feeling that this is a place they feel secure and happy.”
"Leaders have created a community for pupils, students and staff based on kindness and respect. Pupils said that they feel safe." - OFSTED report Dec 22
Signed Agreement
All members of our community including Students, Staff, Trustees and Parents/Carers will sign and return documents stating that they have read and agree to our Anti Bullying Policy.

Earlier this year we were delighted to achieve the Gold award through the Anti-Bullying Alliance for our actions to prevent bullying in our school community. This was awarded to 11% of schools across the country and we could not achieve this without the dedication of our young ambassadors. Student voice was a significant part of this process with over 50% of our students wanting Anti-Bullying to be promoted and for our school to have a range of procedures to report bullying. Please see below new and updated ways for how our students can report bullying and how you as parents can be involved too.
Anti-Bullying Charter
At the start of every academic year, we will launch our Anti-Bullying Campaign “Stamp It Out!” to all students,
Staff and Trustees will then sign our anti-bullying charter which will be displayed in main reception.
Ways to report bullying
Send an email to our Stamp It out (see below)
Speak to a member of our newly launched Anti-Bullying Ambassador student duty team.
Visit Edulink report using the link, this can be done either at school or at home (with parents/carers).
Stamp It Out

Diana Friendship and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Anti-Bullying Ambassador training has empowered our students and staff to change the attitudes, behaviours, and cultures of friendships and bullying within our community by building their skills and confidence to address different situations both on and offline. This fantastic award is delivered through their renowned peer-led approach. The school has 46 trained ambassadors who deliver numerous events and activities throughout the calendar year. This includes staff training, assemblies, parental engagement events and much more. The students perform a valuable mentoring programme in school to support our young people with friendship difficulties and unpleasant behaviour.

An update from our Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Chloe, Zoë and Lily
What we’ve done so far:
- Been trained and achieved our first badge (Well-Being Badge)
- Fun Friday in anti-bullying week - calm and fun activities suitable for everyone with a kindness board with positive messages for all to see
- Awareness on how to stamp out bullying - poster signing
- Training others from almost every year
- Hosting assembly’s on different types of bullying and how to prevent it and deal with it
- Events - Christmas stalls towards supporting a suicidal awareness charity
- Meeting with staff on how to support students through the school year
- The school has achieved its ‘Gold ward’ - Respecting School as a community where children's rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.
What we’re going to do:
- Work on our community badge - going to primary schools and hosting assembly’s and movie nights to raise money
- Training more students in different years
- Exploring new ways to react and deal with bullying in school
- An easier way to report bullying - Everyone can access this easily
Future and current roles:
- Peer mentoring
- A safe group of people who everyone can trust and go to seek help.
Goal - Make a safe environment for students without bullying and making sure students know who their trusted adult is.

Assemblies & PSHCE
Students and staff will be involved in the delivery of assemblies and PSHCE lessons educating students on what bullying is and the harm it causes. These are on-going and delivered to each year group.

Bullying Referrals
Students and Parents/Carers are encouraged to report incidents of bullying in one of the following ways:
- Report to a Member of staff, including Form Tutors, subject teachers, support staff,
- Achievement Coordinator and Senior Leadership Team.
- Report incidents or concerns using our confidential email address
- Use the Comment Box located in The Learning Centre (TLC)
- Speak to a Diana Ambassador
- Speak to your Parent / Carer who can then report by using any of the above.
The Community are aware of all types of bullying, which are as follows;
- Threats
- Homophobic and Racist comments
- Verbal abuse (such as name calling, swearing)
- Physical abuse (such as pushing, hitting, making rude gestures)
- Psychological intimidation (making people feel bad about themselves such as the ‘evil look’)
- Ostracism (leaving people out so that they feel like outsiders)
- Teasing and taunting (such as picking on people, hiding their belongings, making fun of people.)
- Grouping together in a threatening or excluding manner against someone
- Cyberbullying is also unacceptable. We will not tolerate any bullying making use of technology including the Internet, mobile phone messages or text messages
Further information and Support
We have lots of links to sources of support on our Outside School Support page these followings links provide information regarding bullying.