Our Careers Guidance Mission Statement
At Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College we aim to ensure our careers education programme across all key stages is shaped by the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of excellent careers guidance. Our Careers programme is designed to begin early in Year 7 and continue throughout a child’s time with us in school.
Our aim is to make sure every student is supported in shaping their own future, nurtured and encouraged to achieve their aspirations, and given opportunities through experiences in real-world learning, knowledge, inspiration and advice, gained through multiple employer and workplace engagements. Students will be prepared for future success in further and higher education, in training such as apprenticeships, and in employment through all curriculum areas in school, and in the one-to-one personal guidance we offer every student in key stages 4 and 5.
We recognise that not every step is the same for each individual child we educate in school and our vision is to ensure every child receives high quality careers education, which enables them to be ambitious, strive for excellence and create a passion for their own career path which lies ahead.

Russell Group Universities
Labour market information

The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions.
Meeting the needs of our learners

The whole CEIAG programme is designed to meet the needs of our learners. Activities are differentiated and personalised to ensure progression in career learning and development.
Our Careers Leader, responsible for the delivery of Sandbach High School & Sixth Form College’s programme of careers guidance, is Mr Dan Shaw.
Policy Statement on Provider Access (Baker Clause): Any training provider or employer wishing to request access should contact Mr Shaw via the school telephone number 01270 765031 or email DShaw@sandbachhigh.co.uk A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers, and a conversation with our Careers Leader will help identify the most appropriate.
Have your say in the Parents’ views on Careers survey
Key Themes of our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Key themes of our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
- Grow throughout life by understanding yourself and what influences you.
- Explore possibilities by investigating opportunities in different places.
- Manage career: make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks.
- Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships.
- Balance life and work: combine work with wellbeing, family and community.
- See the big picture: pay attention to how society connects with your life.
In Key Stage 3 there are many opportunities for linking curriculum learning to careers. These might include making reference to potential careers within a series of lessons or as a more focused event which includes the entire year group at once.
- Examples of this are our Year 7 Speed Networking event, guest speakers and small workshops for Years 7-9, as well as KS3 students being encouraged to visit our annual Careers Fair during break time to get a quick insight into the vast array of career opportunities within the world of work.
- In Year 8, students take part in an inspirational women event.
- In Year 9, as part of the options process, all students receive a personalised specialist software sign in so they can research potential pathways. Students have access to this specialist software throughout their Sandbach High School & Sixth Form College journey.
- In KS4, a series of careers lessons is delivered in rotation with RS, delivered by teaching staff.
- Careers lesson topics include: Employability Skills, How Work is Changing, Labour Market Information, Researching Possible Placements, How to Contact Employers, Career Planning, Work Experience, Staying Safe in Work, Possible Discrimination in the Workplace, BTECs, A Level Choices, Having an Enterprising Mindset, Apprenticeships, Managing Student Finance and Rights in a Selection Process.
- More information about our Careers Programme, which will be reviewed in 2023-24, is available via the pdf documents below.
Year 10 and Year 12 Work Experience
Usually during Alternative Curriculum week in July, Year 10 and Year 12 students participate in work experience with local employers. We encourage pupils to approach and organise their own placements with potential employers, albeit with support and direction from school. Students’ engagement in this week is invaluable - it is key for developing a range of employability skills such as communication and teamwork as well as, of course, understanding and gaining knowledge of a working environment. If your workplace can get involved please contact us!
Looking for Work Experience (WEX)?
Check out the Careers Team’s TOP TIPS!
- Try 'thinking outside the box'. This means not getting too hung up on your WEX being directly connected with what you think you want to do in the future. WEX is much more about developing employability skills than deep-diving into the requirements of a particular role.
- Parents/guardians, friends, friends’ parents, and relatives are your best resource. Many students successfully source WEX placements via mum or dad's work or via work or professional connections of family members. That said, employers always like a polite, proactive, passionate student who shows an interest in organising WEX off their own bat!
- Can you do some WEX related to an activity you already do? e.g. Ask the restaurant where you wait tables if you can work in the office? Ask your music teacher if you can attend and support all their babies’ rhythm sessions that week?
- Use Google maps: put in your postcode and then take a look at the businesses and shops around you. You might be surprised!
- Swap parents with friends! Your family member might love to take your friend who is interested to work. Ask older friends what they did and who the contact at their placement is.
- Notes to help Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College students to come up with ideas and know how to approach potential employers are in the Work Experience 2024 folder in the Careers Team channel labelled Work Experience, Job Opportunities and LMI.
Skillsmap is a website which makes the explicit connection between school subjects and the transferable skills that employers want.
Why not take a look for your subjects?
Access to our Careers team
Students from Year 9 upwards have access to our Careers Team, including specialised channels on:
- Apprenticeships
- Choosing Options (GCSE and A level)
- Employability Skills
- Uni and College Open Days and Info
- Work Experience and Labour Market Information
We offer all students a wide range of information and advice opportunities to enable them to make considered decisions about their futures.
For example, local labour market information is available here

Not just for university entry – you can use the UCAS Hub to discover your options and research your future.
We facilitate encounters with employers and experiences in the real world of work via our Pledge connections.

Students, teachers and parents are able to register and access live chats, jobs boards and careers expos on our new, free LearnLive website. Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College, Sandbach & Jobs | Learn Live | Contact Us Today (learnliveuk.com)

Clare Holland, Careers Advisor
Meet our Level 7 qualified Careers Adviser, Mrs C Holland cholland@sandbachhigh.co.uk
Watch our Sandbach High Careers video intro!
Mrs Holland conducts impartial, personal career guidance interviews which challenge and support students to make informed, realistic and adaptable career decisions.
Her knowledge of career and labour market information and intelligence enables pupils to identify, access, interpret and utilise valid and relevant information.
Careers Education Policy is available on our Policy Page