Health and Social Care

sandbach high school and Sixth form college

Curriculum Intentions


 About 3 million people in the UK work in health and social care, that is equivalent to 1 in every 10 people.  Demand for both health and social care is likely to continue to rise due to the ageing population, so it is sure to continue to play a key role in UK society.  The demand for people to fill these vital jobs will continue to increase.  Our rationale is to provide a fluid and dynamic knowledge rich KS4 and KS5 curriculum.   This course will help learners to develop key transferable skills and knowledge such as self-evaluation and research skills.

Curriculum Lead

Curriculum Lead – Mr G Bashford 

Key Stage 4

The implementation of BTEC Health and Social Care will provide a wide range of learning experiences which are accessible to students of all abilities. This involves group work opportunities, clearly differentiated tasks, report writing through internal assessments and examination technique for external assessments and controlled assessments. Aspirational teaching encourages students to complete tasks above target grade and emphasises the importance of real-world experiences through trips and visitors.

At Level 2, the internally assessed units are designed to promote deep learning through ensuring the connection between knowledge and practice. Content involves the understanding and application of human growth and development, how people deal with life events, health and social care services, as well as a practical demonstration of care values. The externally assessed unit builds upon this and allows students to interpret and assess an individual’s health and wellbeing. At Level 3, units range from analysing human growth and development, working in health and social care and meeting individual care and support needs.

Learners benefit from guest speakers from their local community and beyond.  Learners are given the opportunity to visit and take part in work experience in a variety of setting such as pre-schools, primary schools and nursing homes and local hospitals and hospices. student aspirations are raised by exploiting our key links with universities for all students.   Learners are able to draw on the knowledge and skills acquired from other GCSE and A Level subjects where relevant, science and PE topics overlap within the Health and Social Care Course. In BTEC Health and Social Care curriculum by using a variety of different methods, such as:

  1. Individual and group presentations.
  2. An emphasis on real world experiences, through the use of realistic case studies, and increasing the level of contact with HSC workers and services, through trips and visitors.
  3. Independent work whereby the teacher provides individual feedback to facilitate progress.

The impact of the BTEC Health and Social care Curriculum is for students to develop as well-rounded learners. Students will have a thorough understanding of what it is to work within the Health & Social sector. Skills such as confidence, communication, empathy & debating and this will prepare students for life post 16.


KS4 topics studied and year group

Year 10


Component 1

Human Lifespan Development (assignment assessment PSA)

 Component 2

Health and Social Services and Care Values (assignment assessment PSA)

Year 11


 Component 2

Health and Social Services and Care Values (assignment assessment PSA)

 Component 3

Health and Wellbeing

For further information on this course at Sandbach College visit:


Key Stage 5

Extended Certificate content:

Year 12 

Year 13 

Human Lifespan Development - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Working in Health and Social Care - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Meeting Individual Support and Care Needs - Assignment

Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs - Assignment

Diploma content:

Year 12 

Year 13 

Human Lifespan Development - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Working in Health and Social Care - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Meeting Individual Support and Care Needs - Assignment

Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs - Assignment

Principles in Safe practice in Health and Social Care - Assignment

Working in Health and Social Care - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Work Experience in Health and Social Care - Assignment

Promoting Public Health - Assignment

Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care - Written Exam set and marked by Pearson externally

Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs - Assignment

For further information on this course at Sandbach College visit: 


At Key Stage 4 we offer the BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care Course


At Key Stage 5 we offer the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care National Diploma and BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care National Extended Certificate.

Course Specification:

Wider Curriculum

The Health and Social Care department offers a large number of enrichment activities at lunchtime or after school. These include:

  • Volunteering Opportunities – local charities come into college to train KS5 students in skills required to volunteer with local groups, we also have numerous volunteering opportunities in school
  • Health and Social Care Club – sharing ideas, volunteering opportunities and
  • Step into the NHS.
  • Trips (e.g. sixth form visits from the True Life Conference, local GP’s, Nurses, Occupational Therapists; visits to Leighton Hospital, including an opportunity to interview members of staff on their roles and responsibilities within the hospital).

The True Life Conference Held each year for Sixth Form Students where ex-offenders discuss life experiences of what lead them to crime, time in prison and health issues they have encountered.  Discussion around the roles and responsibilities of Health and Social Care workers within the Criminal Justice System.

Students who have completed Level 2 Health and Social Care followed by Level 3 in our Sixth Form College often go onto Nursing Degree’s for adults, learning disability, mental health and paediatric nursing.

1:1 Support

We offer lunchtime 1:1 Support for Level 2 and Level 3 Health and Social Care Courses. Informal after school sessions are also arranged when needed.

Useful Links

Five ways you can help your child in this subject:

  • Research the History and Birth of the NHS
  • Discuss Health and Social Care in the news with your child. (This can be about any topic: Hospitals, Elderley Care, Pandemics, Diet and Nutrition), BBC News is great for this.
  • Use the NHS website as a source of information for careers and opportunities:
  • Discuss the Health and Wellbeing of family and carers and the services provided in the local community.
  • Visit local services and collect leaflets and information, are the resources accessible to all? Are they provided in alternative languages?  Are they provided in other formats e.g. Braille?  Discuss Health and Social Care issues when visiting shopping centres, cinemas, leisure centres, restaurants – are services accessible to all abilities and disabilities?

If you have a question about any of the information on this page, please contact Mrs J Hooper (Subject Leader for Health and Social Care).