School Performance

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Classes of 2024 Results

Dear Parents and Carers

Please forgive the midweek email but we had such fantastic news about our school over the weekend that I wanted to share it with you.

As you know we consistently get really strong results at both GCSE and A Level. Last summer was no exception to that and we were incredibly proud of our students’ success.  The Department for Education (DFE) published the official GCSE data and in it we continue to be in the top two schools for Cheshire East with our Progress.  You can have a look at this in more detail using this link  What this means is that students who attend here typically make close to half a grade more progress here than if they were to attend a different school.  However, what has made me most proud is that students who attend here who are from a disadvantaged background which means they are in receipt or have been receipt of Free School Meals achieve a third of a grade better here than all children (disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged) at a different school.

All students of all abilities and backgrounds make exceptional progress here as confirmed by our DFE published data. This is not purely about grades but the measure from where students started (KS2 results), to when they left us. 

We achieve these amazing results with students from all backgrounds and abilities with an ambitious Curriculum including Languages for all, Humanities and our love for the Arts.  This doesn’t just happen-this is because of our culture which we all work so hard to craft and maintain.  I am forever in debt to the staff and to you as parents for supporting this culture which provides our students with an education that gives them the very best life chances.

The last thing to share with you and the cherry on top is about an email that I received over the weekend telling me that we had ranked in the top ten Comprehensive Schools out of the whole of the North West in the Sunday Times ‘Parent Power’ league tables. You can read more about this here This ranking uses a combination of GCSE and A Level data.

I wanted to congratulate the classes of 2024 again and thank you for all that you do to support our school and your children.

Kind Regards

Ellen Walton



Highest Progress 8 score in Cheshire 2022!

2018-2022 results
2022 Results
attaintment summary

Year 7 Literacy & Numeracy Catch-Up Premium

The Year 7 Catch up Premium is a government initiative to help raise achievement of targeted students. Additional funding has been provided for Year 7 students who have not achieved a scaled score of 100 at Key Stage 2. 

The purpose of this funding is to enable schools to deliver additional support, such as individual tuition or intensive support in small groups, for pupils who need it most. 

In the academic year 2018/19, we receive approximately £15,000, the funding for the academic year 2019 / 20 is again approximately £15,000. This funding is used to support the students in Year 7 in order to assist in bringing them quickly up to speed so that they are able to fully access the curriculum and reach their full potential at school. 

The nature of the support for these pupils at Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College includes the following: 

  • A 4 day transition period – all Year 6 students are welcome to join us for the 4 days. 
  • Small group intervention sessions in Maths and English to accelerate progress. 
  • A summer Maths and Literacy task to be started by Primary colleagues in the summer term.  
  • Maths revision resources 
  • Hegarty Maths
  • Targeted numeracy support delivered by our TAs in Maths and English (reading). 
  • Targeted intervention set by the class teacher. 
  • Maths drop in sessions delivered during lunch.
  • Pupil and parent sessions are run with a literacy and numeracy focus, after gaps have been identified (from KS2 RAISE data).
  • Enhanced transition and support. A Vulnerable New Pupil day is held for PP/SEND/ Pupils identified as vulnerable and is used to support the transition and quickly gauge the support needs of these students. 
  • Resources to support learning in the classroom and literacy based activities as part of tutor programme e.g. Numeracy Ninjas. 
  • Resilience Training.  Pupils provided with Transition Smart Moves resources in Year 6 which is delivered with the Year 6 teachers support who is also provided with teaching resources.  This is then continued in Year 7 with age appropriate Smart Moves resources. 

Impact Data for Year 7 Catch-up students 2019 -20:

For the 2019-20 academic year the Year 7 intake of 242 pupils, the following students were identified below the 'Expected Standard' (below 100). 

  Reading  48  /  242 

  SPAG    36 /  242 

  Maths     58  /  242  

11 / 242 pupils had no Key Stage 2 Data.  Baseline assessments  provided a grade.   


In English, of the students who received Catch-Up Funding 100% made progress; 27% made above expected progress.  63% made the expected progress. 

In Maths, 100% made progress; 45% made more than expected progress and 29% made expected progress.   

"pupils and students achieve highly. They progress to positive destinations." - OFSTED report Dec 22