Staff Members

sandbach high school and sixth form College


Ellen Walton


Leading Overall Effectiveness. 

Leading School Self-Review and Improvement.

Accounting Officer

Leading strategy and vision for school.

Leading SHSSFC compliance and Finance. 

Leading school improvement and the growth plan. 

Leading and improving overall effectiveness through partnerships and collaboration.

Nicki Oyler

Deputy Headteacher

Strategic Lead of Pastoral Care, Pupil Welfare, Behaviour and Safety (including Safeguarding Lead) 

Strategic lead of Attendance and Admissions 7-11

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead Years 7-13

Lead on Pastoral Care, Pupil Welfare, Behaviour and Safeguarding

Leading on whole School Attendance  and Admissions 7-11

Strategic lead stakeholder engagement and community relations 

Strategic lead of personal development

Nicola Oyler
Mrs Sarah Frost

Sarah Frost

Deputy Headteacher

Strategic lead of Teaching Staff and Curriculum 

Leading the Quality of Teaching & Learning and CPD Years 7-13

Leading Assessment Years 7-13

Leading School Self Review - Monitoring and Evaluation-Curriculum Review 7-13

Leads on the delivery and implementation of an efficient and effective Curriculum 7-13 including Year 9 options

Leading Ofsted developments

Strategic lead of Literacy and Numeracy

Strategic Lead of teaching & support staff CPD 

Assistant Headteachers

Hannah McNeilage


Strategic lead of Transition

Leading on Personal Development 

Leads on stakeholder engagement including parent/student council and PEG

Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP)

Leading on Homework

Strategic lead of PSHCE and Citizenship

Lead on whole school duty

Lead on extra curricular and alternative learning week


Andrew Ford


Strategic lead of the Sixth Form College including Attendance, Pastoral Care and Achievement  

Leading data and whole school performance measures 7-13

Leading whole school performance measures KS4

Leading Staffing and Timetable

Leading Individual Advice Guidance including Careers KS3-5

Leading on KS4 to KS5 and post College transition

Leading exams Years 7-13 including External Exams / compliance

Supporting Year 9 Options Process



Mark Hitchen


Strategic Lead of SEND and inclusion for all students including with SEMH 7-13

Strategic lead of staff and student mental health and wellbeing 7-13

Strategic lead of the ITT and ECT programme and new staff induction

Lead on staff and student (7-13) wellbeing including counselling

Lead on SEND including SEND transition

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Lead on staff workload

Lead on inclusion for all students including those with SEMH, Looked After Children and Young Carers

Leading on teaching staff appraisal



Sion Williams 


Leading Achievement 7-11

Strategic Lead of Pupil Premium 

Leading Achievement at KS3 & KS4 including key pupil groups

Leading of Pupil Premium and the National Tutoring Programme

Leading on whole school rewards

Supporting lead on Literacy, Numeracy and EAL

Supporting Year 9 Options Process

Helen Hulse

Helen Hulse

Business Manager

Leading Finance, HR and Premises

Leads on the Strategy and the business functions of the school and College 

Leading the budget and finance

Strategic lead of site

Leading Contracts

Chief Financial Officer

Strategic Lead of the whole school IT Network

Strategic Lead of Support staff and their appraisal

Health and Safety


Data Protection Officer

Educational Visits co-ordinator

Creativity and Performance

Curriculum Leader - David Valentine

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Physical Education


Curriculum Leader - Laura Cooke 

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Film Studies


Curriculum Leader - Fiona Fishburne

  • Maths
  • Further Maths
  • Core Maths

Modern Foreign Languages

Curriculum Leader - Harriet O'Rourke

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Design and Technology

Curriculum Leader - Daniel Massey

  • Product Design 
  • Engineering 
  • Textiles 
  • Graphics 
  • Food 

Business, Computing and Social Sciences

Curriculum Leader - Gareth Bashford

  • Business Studies
  • Careers
  • Economics
  • Computer Studies
  • Digital iMedia
  • Creative iMedia
  • Child Development
  • Criminology
  • Psychology
  • Law


Curriculum Leader - Catherine Wildman

  • Geography
  • History
  • Politics
  • Religious and World Views


Curriculum Leader - Peter Hilton

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

Achievement Team

Kate Windle - Achievement Assistant Year 7

Liz Clark - Achievement Lead Year 8 and Year 9 

Darren Halstead - Achievement Lead Year 10 and Year 11

Jess Gillespie - Achievement Assistant Disadvantaged Yrs 7-11 

Rory Abbotson – Director of Sixth Form


Staff Email Addresses

To contact a member of staff please use their email prefix with

Title last name prefix email
Mr Abbotson RAbbotson
Mr Bashford gbashford
Mrs Bernardi JBERNARDI
Miss Blomfield cblomfield
Miss Brownsill HBrownsill
Mr Burrell RBurrell
Miss Charlton PCharlton
Mrs Clark Lclark
Mrs Collings LCollings
Mrs Cooke LSmith
Miss Cox kcox
Mrs Cummings BCummins
Miss Dickson JDickson
Mr Fairclough KFairclough
Mrs Fatcher-Friend Sfriend
Mrs Fishburn ffishburne
Mr Ford aford
Miss Frost Sfrost
Mr Geoghegon RGeoghegan
Mrs Gillespie JGillespie
Mr Goodwin PGoodwin
Mr Greenland JGreenland
Mrs Greenland AGreenland
Miss Griffiths EGriffiths
Mr Halpin ahalpin
Mr Halstead DHalstead
Mrs Haughton jhaughton
Mrs Hennessy ehennessy
Mrs Heywood Kegley
Mr Hilton PHilton
Mr Hitchen MHitchen
Mrs Hooper JHooper
Mr Hughes Rhughes
Mr Hughes hughesr
Mr Jackson mjackson
Miss Jones HJones
Miss Jones JonesF
Miss Lawless KLawless
Miss Lawton JLawton
Mr Leonard Asleonard
Mrs Loutfi Nloutfi
Mr Luther DLuther
Miss Macdonald LMacdonald
Mrs Martin EMartin
Miss Mason MasonS
Mr Mason Smason
Mr Massey DMassey
Mrs McDevitt MMcDevitt
Mrs McNeilage HMacneilage
Mrs Melin EMelin
Miss Michaels HMichaels
Mrs Milnes CMilnes
Miss Misra AMisra
Mrs Mooney MMooney
Mrs Morgan-Evans HMORGAN
Miss Morris HMorris
Mr Muirhead rmuirhead
Mr Murray CMurray
Mrs Nicholson KGoddard
Miss O'Rourke HOrourke
Ms Oyler NOyler
Mrs Parsons Sparsons
Mr Peake dpeake
Mr Potts MPotts
Mrs Ralphs RRalphs
Mr Reardon-Davies TReardon-Davies
Miss Rigby Srigby
Miss Royle Kroyle
Mr Salisbury BSalisbury
Mrs Sellers Tsellers
Mr Shaw dshaw
Mrs Snowling JSnowling
Miss Squires - Hall JSquires
Miss Studzinska SStudzinska
Mr Tetlow RTetlow
Miss Thompson LThompson
Miss Tomkins ntomkins
Miss Tomkinson rtomkinson
Miss Unwin JUnwin
Mr Valentine DValentine
Mrs Valentine EValentine
Miss Vernon cvernon
Miss Walker AWalker
Miss Walker Rwalker
Mrs Walton EWalton
Mr Waring AWaring
Dr Watkins DWatkins
Mr Weaver dweaver
Dr Weir Sweir
Miss Wildman cwildman
Mr Williams swilliams
Mrs Windle KWindle