Ellen Walton
Leading Overall Effectiveness.
Leading School Self-Review and Improvement.
Accounting Officer
Leading strategy and vision for school.
Leading SHSSFC compliance and Finance.
Leading school improvement and the growth plan.
Leading and improving overall effectiveness through partnerships and collaboration.
Nicki Oyler
Deputy Headteacher
Strategic Lead of Pastoral Care, Pupil Welfare, Behaviour and Safety (including Safeguarding Lead)
Strategic lead of Attendance and Admissions 7-11
Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead Years 7-13
Lead on Pastoral Care, Pupil Welfare, Behaviour and Safeguarding
Leading on whole School Attendance and Admissions 7-11
Strategic lead stakeholder engagement and community relations
Strategic lead of personal development

Sarah Frost
Deputy Headteacher
Strategic lead of Teaching Staff and Curriculum
Leading the Quality of Teaching & Learning and CPD Years 7-13
Leading Assessment Years 7-13
Leading School Self Review - Monitoring and Evaluation-Curriculum Review 7-13
Leads on the delivery and implementation of an efficient and effective Curriculum 7-13 including Year 9 options
Leading Ofsted developments
Strategic lead of Literacy and Numeracy
Strategic Lead of teaching & support staff CPD
Assistant Headteachers
Hannah McNeilage

Strategic lead of Transition
Leading on Personal Development
Leads on stakeholder engagement including parent/student council and PEG
Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP)
Leading on Homework
Strategic lead of PSHCE and Citizenship
Lead on whole school duty
Lead on extra curricular and alternative learning week
Andrew Ford

Strategic lead of the Sixth Form College including Attendance, Pastoral Care and Achievement
Leading data and whole school performance measures 7-13
Leading whole school performance measures KS4
Leading Staffing and Timetable
Leading Individual Advice Guidance including Careers KS3-5
Leading on KS4 to KS5 and post College transition
Leading exams Years 7-13 including External Exams / compliance
Supporting Year 9 Options Process
Mark Hitchen

Strategic Lead of SEND and inclusion for all students including with SEMH 7-13
Strategic lead of staff and student mental health and wellbeing 7-13
Strategic lead of the ITT and ECT programme and new staff induction
Lead on staff and student (7-13) wellbeing including counselling
Lead on SEND including SEND transition
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Lead on staff workload
Lead on inclusion for all students including those with SEMH, Looked After Children and Young Carers
Leading on teaching staff appraisal
Sion Williams

Leading Achievement 7-11
Strategic Lead of Pupil Premium
Leading Achievement at KS3 & KS4 including key pupil groups
Leading of Pupil Premium and the National Tutoring Programme
Leading on whole school rewards
Supporting lead on Literacy, Numeracy and EAL
Supporting Year 9 Options Process

Helen Hulse
Business Manager
Leading Finance, HR and Premises
Leads on the Strategy and the business functions of the school and College
Leading the budget and finance
Strategic lead of site
Leading Contracts
Chief Financial Officer
Strategic Lead of the whole school IT Network
Strategic Lead of Support staff and their appraisal
Health and Safety
Data Protection Officer
Educational Visits co-ordinator
Creativity and Performance
Curriculum Leader - David Valentine
- Art
- Drama
- Dance
- Music
- Physical Education
Curriculum Leader - Laura Cooke
- English Language
- English Literature
- Film Studies
Curriculum Leader - Fiona Fishburne
- Maths
- Further Maths
- Core Maths
Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Leader - Harriet O'Rourke
- French
- German
- Spanish
Design and Technology
Curriculum Leader - Daniel Massey
- Product Design
- Engineering
- Textiles
- Graphics
- Food
Business, Computing and Social Sciences
Curriculum Leader - Gareth Bashford
- Business Studies
- Careers
- Economics
- Computer Studies
- Digital iMedia
- Creative iMedia
- Child Development
- Criminology
- Psychology
- Law
Curriculum Leader - Catherine Wildman
- Geography
- History
- Politics
- Religious and World Views
Curriculum Leader - Peter Hilton
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Achievement Team
Kate Windle - Achievement Assistant Year 7
Liz Clark - Achievement Lead Year 8 and Year 9
Darren Halstead - Achievement Lead Year 10 and Year 11
Jess Gillespie - Achievement Assistant Disadvantaged Yrs 7-11
Rory Abbotson – Director of Sixth Form

Staff Email Addresses
To contact a member of staff please use their email prefix with @sandbachhigh.co.uk
Title | last name | prefix email |
Mr | Abbotson | RAbbotson |
Mr | Bashford | gbashford |
Mrs | Bernardi | JBERNARDI |
Miss | Blomfield | cblomfield |
Miss | Brownsill | HBrownsill |
Mr | Burrell | RBurrell |
Miss | Charlton | PCharlton |
Mrs | Clark | Lclark |
Mrs | Collings | LCollings |
Mrs | Cooke | LSmith |
Miss | Cox | kcox |
Mrs | Cummings | BCummins |
Miss | Dickson | JDickson |
Mr | Evans | DEVANS |
Mr | Fairclough | KFairclough |
Mrs | Fatcher-Friend | Sfriend |
Mrs | Fishburn | ffishburne |
Mr | Ford | aford |
Miss | Frost | Sfrost |
Mr | Geoghegon | RGeoghegan |
Mrs | Gillespie | JGillespie |
Mr | Goodwin | PGoodwin |
Mr | Greenland | JGreenland |
Mrs | Greenland | AGreenland |
Miss | Griffiths | EGriffiths |
Mr | Halpin | ahalpin |
Mr | Halstead | DHalstead |
Mrs | Haughton | jhaughton |
Mrs | Hennessy | ehennessy |
Mrs | Heywood | Kegley |
Mr | Hilton | PHilton |
Mr | Hitchen | MHitchen |
Mrs | Hooper | JHooper |
Mr | Hughes | Rhughes |
Mr | Hughes | hughesr |
Mr | Jackson | mjackson |
Miss | Jones | HJones |
Miss | Jones | JonesF |
Miss | Lawless | KLawless |
Miss | Lawton | JLawton |
Mr | Leonard | Asleonard |
Mrs | Loutfi | Nloutfi |
Mr | Luther | DLuther |
Miss | Macdonald | LMacdonald |
Mrs | Martin | EMartin |
Miss | Mason | MasonS |
Mr | Mason | Smason |
Mr | Massey | DMassey |
Mrs | McDevitt | MMcDevitt |
Mrs | McNeilage | HMacneilage |
Mrs | Melin | EMelin |
Miss | Michaels | HMichaels |
Mrs | Milnes | CMilnes |
Miss | Misra | AMisra |
Mrs | Mooney | MMooney |
Mrs | Morgan-Evans | HMORGAN |
Miss | Morris | HMorris |
Mr | Muirhead | rmuirhead |
Mr | Murray | CMurray |
Mrs | Nicholson | KGoddard |
Miss | O'Rourke | HOrourke |
Ms | Oyler | NOyler |
Mrs | Parsons | Sparsons |
Mr | Peake | dpeake |
Mr | Potts | MPotts |
Mrs | Ralphs | RRalphs |
Mr | Reardon-Davies | TReardon-Davies |
Miss | Rigby | Srigby |
Miss | Royle | Kroyle |
Mr | Salisbury | BSalisbury |
Mrs | Sellers | Tsellers |
Mr | Shaw | dshaw |
Mrs | Snowling | JSnowling |
Miss | Squires - Hall | JSquires |
Miss | Studzinska | SStudzinska |
Mr | Tetlow | RTetlow |
Miss | Thompson | LThompson |
Miss | Tomkins | ntomkins |
Miss | Tomkinson | rtomkinson |
Miss | Unwin | JUnwin |
Mr | Valentine | DValentine |
Mrs | Valentine | EValentine |
Miss | Vernon | cvernon |
Miss | Walker | AWalker |
Miss | Walker | Rwalker |
Mrs | Walton | EWalton |
Mr | Waring | AWaring |
Dr | Watkins | DWatkins |
Mr | Weaver | dweaver |
Dr | Weir | Sweir |
Miss | Wildman | cwildman |
Mr | Williams | swilliams |
Mrs | Windle | KWindle |