Upholding Fundamental Rights
Our young people are passionate about protecting and upholding fundamental rights, which are the basis of democracy. As a school we promote active citizens who care about their community and support them in taking on issues in order to make a difference. These can be suggestions for improvements within the school or national agendas discussed at Parliament
Individual Growth
Being an ambassador within school is a great opportunity for our students as it helps them grow as individuals, strengthening skills and typically become confident, dynamic and strong communicators. It allows our young people to lead on areas they are passionate about and take an active role in representing the school.
Range Of Ambassador Roles
There are a range of ambassador roles available within school, some of which are noted below:
- Anti Racism Group
- Diana Award & Anti Bullying Ambassadors
- Peer Mentors
- Mental Health Ambassadors
- Student Safeguarding Ambassadors
- Kindness Ambassadors
- Curriculum Ambassadors
- Student leaders - Head of House/ Student Leadership Team