Sandbach High School & Sixth Form College: Awarded the GOLD STANDARD QUALITY AWARD for Parental Engagement

You said | We did |
1. It is tricky to find staff email addresses | Our website now has a full staff list, including email addresses |
2. We'd love more access to the school and site
We have reviewed everything we offer and seen how we can improve this alongside giving more opportunities. We now offer 'Walk and Talks' during the school day, hosted by SLT for any member of the wider community to participate in and view our school in action, plus ask questions they have. We have changed some of our parent/carer online events to face-to-face to give more access to staff and school. Every year group now has an 'in school event' where they meet with staff. |
3. We don't always know what is going on in school. | We know life is hectic, so each week we are sharing via social media accounts and email our 'what's on next week' calendar outlining sports, events, trips etc |
4. Limited student spaces to use during break/lunchtime during wet weather | We are provisionally commissioning a large purpose built enclosed shelter to accommodate students - but we need your help with fundraising! |
5. Organisation of PEG events (parental engagement) | We have taken all of the comments on board to improve clashes, giving more notice and timely communication. |
6. Website - exam information and reporting home | The website has been changed to provide information on where to get help from and details surrounding trial exams |
7. Parents evening face to face and longer appointment times
We are now operating a hybrid of online and face-to-face Achievement evenings. Parents were surveyed to ask if they would like longer appointments and reduce the number or keep them the same time and still see as many staff as they wished. Outcome was to keep it the same. As a side note, this is called Achievement Evening as some students raised that as they didn't have parents, the title was upsetting them |
8. When students have an incident or fall out, how do we know the outcome for others involved or ensure a follow up happens | We have reviewed our practice and staff members book in formal follow up slots with them to check in and reassess. We cannot share outcomes for other but we can reassure it has been dealt with |
9. Volume and priority of emails home | This is something we are currently looking into! |
10. We struggle to get through on the phone to you | We have purchased an additional number of external phone lines so getting through to us is easier |
11. Sometimes we need reminders of events but not by email | We are using social media more to remind and reshare important information. Please sign up! |
12. Having more access to staff and being able to see what life at the school is like for my child | From this we created the July 'Park in the Park' where parents were invited to engage in music, art, dance and sports with their child. More exciting events to come. We loved having you! |
13. We'd love to help out in school - what can we do?
Great idea but needs further planning due to safeguarding. We are soon launching our volunteer parental reading support, which would really help enrich literacy skills amongst students. Parent Council or Exam invigilator are other great ways to support us |
14. The website is difficult to navigate
We have started to move things to help with this e.g. sorting polices alphabetically and linking key pages together. If you have any specific feedback on the website, please let us know by emailing csenior with the title 'website'. |