Maya Angelou House

sandbach high school and sixth form college

Maya Angelou House

Mr Kyle Fairclough - Pastoral Lead

Forms in Maya Angelou House
Year 7 7A & 7B & 7C
Year 8 8D & 8A
Year 9 9D & 9N
Year 10 10E & 10H & 10N
Year 11 11D & 11H

Maya Angelou House have chosen Papyrus as their charity.

Chloe Swansbury - Pastoral Assistant

Angleou (1)
Senior Head of House - Angelou
Head of House - Angelou

Neve - Student Leadership, Head of House

As Head of House it is important to me that everyone in our school gets equal opportunities and experiences. My main beliefs as Head of House is that celebrating differences should be a top priority, and that those who want to speak will be heard. During my time in this role, I want to make sure everyone feels seen and everyone’s needs are accommodated for; I want to make sure no one feels ignored or isolated and that our school can be a community that they can academically and personally thrive in. As a member of our incredible sixth form, I’ve found that we have a strong connection to the younger years and that the enrichment opportunities not only benefit the lower school but Sixth Form as well. It has become apparent that I believe quite strongly in that the different years should have outlets in which they can bond and interact. It is important to me that all yeas are creating friendships and interacting with each other to form a bond that brings the whole school together. I found this this specifically in Angelou House. Ever since I was appointed my position, I have spent more time with other years than the whole of my High School experience and I have found it incredibly enriching. Integrating the years through this house system has allowed years 7-11 find their feet and use their voices in a strong and confident way. The identity of Angelou House is a community that accepts and welcomes everyone. We are a team that solves problems and generates new exciting ideas. I think the people I spent time with in this house are some of the most creative and imaginative people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, which makes me more creative than I ever thought I could be. In the future, I want to strengthen the house and make sure the whole school knows that the student leadership team is a great opportunity. I also want to bring awareness to the fact that we are a group of open-minded students, willing to support anyone who needs it. It is a priority for me to encourage everyone to live up to their full potential and leave this school having enjoyed their time here, feeling that they have more than enough experiences to be prepared in the world. Seeing other students thrive and exceed in their school subjects (and extra-curriculars) motivates me to continue the work we have been doing as a group to make our school a safe, enjoyable and enriching experience for everyone.

Deputy Heads of House - Angelou (1)

Who was Maya Angelou?

"If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be"

"I've learnt that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

From 'For Every Name Remembered' by Gill Nicholas (with permission from the artist)
From 'For Every Name Remembered' by Gill Nicholas (with permission from the artist)