
sandbach high school and Sixth form college

Curriculum Intentions

1 – Changing Awareness of Crime:

LO1 Understand how crime reporting affects the public perception of criminality

LO2 Understand how campaigns are used to elicit change

LO3 Plan campaigns for change relating to crime


2 - Criminological Theories:

LO1 Understand social constructions of criminality

LO2 Know theories of criminality

LO3 Understand causes of criminality

LO4 Understand causes of policy change


3 – Crime Scene to Courtroom:

LO1 Understand the process of criminal investigations

LO2 Understand the process for prosecution of suspects

LO3 Be able to review criminal cases


4 – Crime and Punishment:

LO1 Understand

the criminal justice system in England and Wales

LO2 Understand the role of punishment in a criminal justice system

LO3 Understand measures used in social control

Curriculum Lead

Curriculum Lead – Mr G Bashford

Key Stage 5

An understanding of criminology is relevant to many job roles within the criminal justice sector, including police officers, probation and prison officers, and social workers. With their critical thinking, analytical and communication skills, criminology graduates are also attractive to employers outside the criminal justice sector in areas such as social research and politics.


The WJEC Level 3 Diploma in Criminology has been designed to provide learners with underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills to progress to further study and training. It offers exciting and interesting experiences that focus learning for 16-19 year-old learners and adult learners through applied learning, i.e. through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful contexts linked to the criminal justice system.

In year 1, we cover the first 2 modules of the course, Changing Awareness of Crime and Criminological Theory while in year 2 we cover the final 2 modules, Crime Scene to Courtroom and Crime and Punishment. Modules 1 and 2 are assessed at the end of year 1 while modules 3 and 4 are assessed at the end of year 2.

In Changing Awareness of Crime, learners develop an understanding of different types of crime, influences on perceptions of crime and why some crimes are unreported. Knowing about the wide range of different crimes and the reasons people have for not reporting such crimes provides an understanding of the complexity of behaviours and the social implications of such crimes and criminality.

 Criminological Theories enables learners to gain an understanding of why people commit crime, drawing on what they have learned in Unit 1. Learners explore the difference between criminal behaviour and deviance and the theories behind why people commit crime.

Crime Scene to Courtroom provides learners with an understanding of the criminal justice system from the moment a crime has been identified to the verdict. They develop the understanding and skills needed to examine information in order to review the justice of verdicts in criminal cases.

In Crime and Punishment, learners apply their understanding of the awareness of criminality, criminological theories and the process of bringing an accused to court in order to evaluate the effectiveness of social control to deliver criminal justice policy.

For further information on this course at Sandbach College visit:


Level 3 Applied Certificate in Criminology - WJEC

Level 3 Applied Diploma in Criminology - WJEC

Wider Curriculum

There are regular visits to police stations and headquarters. Students have took part in a stop and search discussion group to consider procedures. The college is visited by professionals such as police officers, prison workers, pathologists, forensics and crime

reduction officers / professionals, including Neighbourhood Watch. You will also get the unique opportunity to interview ex-offenders to hear about their experiences from behind bars and to link the course content to their reflections. Practical activities like solving crimes through exploring available evidence will be a part of the delivery of the course.

Useful Links

Five ways you can help your child in this subject:

Stay up to date…

Always be on the look out for articles, tweets, TV news pieces that give you contextual examples to add to your class notes.  

What to read…Academic reading to engage and enthuse o the subject…

Marsh, I., & Melville, G. (2019). Crime, justice and the media. Routledge. Marsh, I., & Melville, G. (2011). Moral panics and the British media–a look at some contemporary ‘folk devils’. Internet Journal of Criminology, 1(1), 1-21. Wilson, J. Q., & Kelling, G. L. (1982). Broken windows. Atlantic monthly, 249(3), 29-38. Chambliss, W. J., Michalowski, R., & Kramer, R. (Eds.). (2013). State crime in the global age. Willan. Putwain and Sammons ‘Psychology and Crime’. Harper Lee ‘To kill a mockingbird’. John Grisham ‘Innocent Man’. Colin Wilson and Donald Seaman ‘The Serial Killers: A Study in the Psychology of Violence. Ken Kesey ‘One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’

What to watch…See the experts or context of our study in action…

Stacey Dooley: On the Psych Ward; Three identical strangers; Netflix: Inside the Criminal Mind; Netflix: Making a Murderer; Schizophrenia: Stolen minds, stolen lives; BBC: Paedophile hunters the rise of the Vigilantes; On the President’s Orders; Louis Theroux documentaries (mixed); Benefits Street; BBC: Life and Death Row; BBC: Catching Britain’s Killers; BBC: Cops like US; BBC: Forensics: The Real CSI

Other things to do… Wider curricular engagement…

Visit the public gallery of your local court; Visit Parliament; gain work experience; take part in subject-related trips/visits; investigate roles from crime scene to court room.

Take the test… do you hold the personality of a criminal?

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire



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By codelaunch | February 3, 2022

A Sandbach pupil has been named the best IT learner in the world in a prestigious competition with students competingfrom all over the globe.Rey Poh from Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College was yesterday awarded the Gold BTEC award for IT andComputing Learner of the year.And her computing teacher, Dominic Luther, couldn’t be prouder …

Sandbach pupil is the ‘best in the world’ Read More »

Be Kind

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For the latest updates on the Be Kind Awards please see their website: The closing date for applications was 17th December 2021, finalists will be notified on 28th February 2022.