Looking after your mental health

sandbach high school and Sixth form College

Support for Students

Being a young person is exciting; lots of new experiences and exciting opportunities to be had. However, sometimes things can get on top of us and when this happens it becomes difficult to move forwards.  Below is a list of support that you can access both in and out of school when times get tough. 

In School

Form Tutor  – your ‘go to’ person! Speak to your form tutor about concerns over homework, friendship and relationship problems, progress etc. 

Head of House – To discuss more serious issues. 

Teachers – someone that you trust and feel comfortable with. Remember though, they will need to share it with your Form Tutor or Achievement Coordinator. 

Ms Oyler or Mr Hitchen – Safeguarding Leads in school. Are you worried about yourself, a friend or family member? 

School Counsellor – speak to your Head of House if you wish to be referred for free in school counselling. 

Careers Advice – unsure of what the future holds? Questions about the next step? see our careers page. 

School Nurse; Jane Fox.  Jane is our NHS school nurse who runs drop in sessions on either a Monday or Thursday lunchtime in F5.  Drop in to discuss health concerns, worries or advice on sexual health. 

Visit our Stamp it out page here 

Visit our Who to Speak to page for more information.

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Tips for young people

Outside of School Support

We now have a whole new webpage dedicated to sources of support available to students, parents/carers and families on our our Outside School Support Page 

Health & Wellbeing Support for parents

Being a parent is one of the most important jobs there is. It is also one of the hardest. Here at Sandbach High School we will do our best to support both your child and the family when things get tricky. But, we are aware that there are times when help is needed outside of our skills set. We have put together this comprehensive list of services which may be useful if such a situation arises. 

We now have a whole new webpage dedicated to sources of support available to students, parents/carers and families on our our Outside School Support Page 

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