
Sandbach High School and Sixth form College

In-Year Admissions

An in-year admission is arranged outside the normal admissions round and at a time when your child should already be attending school.  You can apply for an in-year school place using the online form on the Cheshire East website.  This will be forwarded to the school, who will process your application and advise whether we are able to offer a place.

Choosing the right school for your child is an important and often difficult decision and we understand that there are many questions you may have.  Please contact Miss C Smith, Admissions Officer –, who will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient appointment for a tour of the school so that you can see the facilities and what is on offer here to assist you in making your decision.

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7 – September 2024

At Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College, supporting the transition of your child is of the utmost importance and we take great pride in our programme of events and activities.

Our aim is to ensure that students have an enjoyable and confident transition to secondary school and that you, as parents and carers, are also made to feel part of the experience.

To assist you, we have gathered together the information you will need into our Transition Handbook, including a useful checklist to ensure you don’t miss any dates or deadlines.  This has recently been emailed to parents and carers and can also be found below.  At the end of the booklet, there are some Top Tips from our Parent Council to offer support and encouragement.

We are extremely excited to be welcoming our new students and their families to our school community and very much look forward to meeting you all over the coming months.

If, in due course, you are concerned you have not received this information or if you have changed address since your initial application, please contact Miss C Smith, Admissions Officer –

Alice Whalley-Storey

Transition Co-ordinator

Admission Appeals

Parents who are not offered a place have a right of appeal to an Independent Schools Appeals Panel. Appeals for the September 2024 intake into Year 7 must be submitted in writing using the appeal form which can be downloaded below.  Forms received after the deadline may result in a delay to the appeal hearing for your child.

Appeals Application Deadlines Friday 29 March 2024
Appeal Hearings (on time applications) Heard by Friday 14 June 2024

(as far as possible)

Appeal Hearings (late applications) Within 40 school days of the appeal closing date where possible or within 30 school days of appeal being lodged.

Casual appeals for admission to other year groups are normally heard within 30 school days (excluding school holidays) from the date the completed appeal form is received in school.

